Friday, June 7, 2013

Executing CodedUI tests on Firefox and CodedUI

  • Install Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate version
  • Install Visual Studio 2012 update 2
  • Download Selenium components for CodedUI cross browser testing from
  • Download Chrome driver and Selenium dot net bindings from the above link and plac them under  "%ProgramFiles%\Common files\microsoft shared\VSTT\Cross Browser Selenium Components"
  • Create a CodedUI test by recording actions on IE browser
  • In CodedUI test class, add the property BrowserWindow.CurrentBrowser = "Firefox" (for chrome browser it is "Chrome")
  • Run the tests
  • If you get 'Playback engine could not find Selenium binaries', create an empty 'castle.core.dll' under "..\microsoft shared\VSTT\Cross Browser Selenium Components" folder
  • Re-run the tests